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Situation of the Month

My question is, do you think children  with ADD would do better starting school later, or even home schooling so that they don't have as much presure?


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Internet Guide for ADD w/o Hyperactivity


Some Helpful Websites: These websites are full of helpful info & links


    Sustain Attention:  ability to maintain attention for a required period
of time; ability to maintain attention over an extended period of time.  Can
also be  referred to as vigilance of alertness. The student must be paying
attention for learning to take place.

    Selective Attention:  ability to focus on and select specific aspects of
a stimulus while excluding other features and to focus on the relevant
stimuli while screening out the irrelevant ones. The lack of this type of
attention is referred to as distractibility.

    Divided Attention:  ability to focus simultaneously on more than one
stimulus. Allows you to handle chunks of information thus learning is faster
and more efficient.


Attention Deficit Disorder Association:

2620 Ivy Place, Toledo, OH 43613. (800) 487-2282

Association for Children and Adult with Disabilities
4156 Library Road, Pittsburg, PA 15234. (412) 341-1515 or (412) 341-8077

Association on Higher Education and Disabilities:
P.O. Box 21192, Columbus OH 43221. (800) 247-7752

Attention Deficit Disorder Advocacy Group:
15772 E. Crestidge Circle Aurora, CO 80015. (303) 690-7548

Attention Deficit Information Network:
475 Hillside Ave. Needham MA 02194. (617) 455-9895.

CHADD-(Children with Attention Deficit Disorder.) National Headquarters
499 North West 70 Avenue, Suite 101 Plantation, FL 33317
(800) 233-4050 (305) 587-3700.

American Assocation on Mental Retardation
444 N. Capitol St., NW Suite 846 Washington, DC 20001-1512.
(800) 424-3688 or (202) 387-1968

American with Disabilities Act: Technical InfoLine: (800) 466-4232.

CAST, inc. Center for Applied Special Technologies.
39 Cross Street Peabody, MA 01960 (508) 531-8555

ADD Association:
4300 West Park Blvd. Plano TX 75093.

Center for the Study of Parent Involvement:
John F. Kennedy University, 370 Camino Pablo, Orinda, CA 94563 . (510)

Center for Group Learning:
1894 Granada Drive, Concord, CA 94519. (510) 253-0456

Council for Exceptional Children:
1920 Association Dr. Reston VA 22091. (800) 328-0272 or (703) 620-3660

Learning Disabilities Association of America:
4156 Library Road, Pittsburg, PA 15234. (412) 341-1515 or (421) 341-8077

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill:
1901 N. Fort Meyer Dr. Suite 500. Arlington VA 22209. (703) 524-7600

National ADD Association,
42 Way to the River, West Newbury MA 01985.
(800) 487-2282 or (508) 462-0495

National Association of Private School for Exceptional Children,
1522 K St. NW, Suite 1032, Washington, DC 20005. (202) 408-3338

National Center for Learning Disabilities:
99 Park Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10016 . (212) 687-7211

National Fathers' NetworkThe Merrywood School
16120 N.E. Eigth Street Seattle, WA 98O08 . (200) 747-4004 or (200) 282-1344

National Information Center Children & Youth with Disabilities
P.0. Box 1492 Washington, DC 20013.
(800) 695-0285 or (800) 999-5599 or (202) 884-8200

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:
P.O. Box 5801, Bethesda, MD 20892
(800) 352-9424 or (301) 496-5751

National Learning Differences Network:
82 South Townline Road, Sandusky, MI 48471.

National Mental Health Consumer Self-Help Clearinghouse.
311 S. Juniper St. Room 902, Philadelphia, PA 19107. (215) 735-2481

National Institute of Mental Health:
9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20205.
(800) 421-4211. or (301) 443-4515 or (301) 496-1752.

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD):
P.O. Box 8923, New Fairfield, CT 06812-1783. (800) 999-6673 or (203) 746-6518

National Parent Network on Disabilities:
1600 Prince St, 115 Alexandria, VA 22314. (703) 684-6763

Parent: Helping Parents:
The Parent-Directed Family Resource Center for Children with Special Needs:
535 Race St. Suite 140, San Jose CA 95126. (408) 288-5110

Office of Educational Research and Improvement
555 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20208-5720,. (202) 219-2289

Orton Dyslexia Society,
724 York Road, Baltimore, MD 21204 .(800) 222-3123

Parents as Teachers National Center
10176 Corporate Square Drive, Suite 230, St. Louis, MO 63132. (314) 432-4330

Sibling Information Network; A.J. Pappanikou Center:
1776 Ellington Rd. South Windsor, CT 06074. (203) 648-1205

TASH, The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps
11201 Greenwood Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98133 (206) 361-8870

The Catholic University of America:
210 O'Boyle Hall, Washington, DC 20064 . (202) 319-5120

Technical Assistance to Parent Program Network.
Federation for Children with Special Needs:
95 Berkley Street Suite 104 Boston MA 02116.
(800) 331-0688 (in MA ) (617) 482-2915.

University of Illinois:
805 W. Pennsylvania Ave. Urbana, Il 61801-4897. (800) 583-4135

Teachers College, Columbia University,
Institute for Urban and Minority Education:

Main Hall, Room 303, Box 40, 525 W. 120th St.
New York NY 10027-9998. (800) 601-4868

Other 800 numbers:
· American Association on Mental Deficiency: (800) 424-3688

Children's Television Resource and Education Center: (800) 546-1065

Center for Special Technology Information Exchange: (800) 345-TECH

Children defense Fund (800) 424-9602

ERIC Clearing house on Adult Career and Vocational Education:
(800) 848-4815

HEATH Resource Center
(National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for handicapped
(800) 544-3284

Job Accommodation Network: (800) 526-7234

National Committee for Citizens in Education: (800) NETWORK

National Information for Educational Media: (800) 421-8711

National Information System for Health Related Services: (800) 999-5599

National Organization on Disabiltity: (800) 248-2253



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