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I would like to know what I can do about my 10 year old daughter. She is driving me crazy She is difficult to arouse in the morning. She is very fussy about almost everything. She seems to be on another track when I am trying to make her hurry to get ready for school.  Her teachers say that she will raise her hand to answer a question and be totally off the subject many times…, etc. She has great difficulty in maintaining relationships although she has been in the same school since kindergarten and knows the kids. I could go on and on.  But I really do not know the best way to handle her.  Recently, I have been reading about ADD and she seems to fit the mold.  Can you offer any advise as to how to better deal with her.


Special Section: Mini EBook for Day Care Providers and Preschool Teachers on ADHD in Preschool

What Is ADD/ADHD ] [ Early Indicators ] Age of Diagnosis ] Daily Life ] How Are Parents Affected? ] A Word About Overdiagnosis/Underdiagnosis ] Treatment Methods ] Tips For Management Of ADHD In Preschool ] Talking To Parents ] Ideas For Motivation ] Links and Resources ]

What Are Some Early Indicators


The following list is not meant to be used as a diagnostic tool, nor is it meant to imply that children with these behaviors have ADD/ADHD.  These traits, however, are common to children with ADD/ADHD in early childhood.




¨      Not sleeping through the night

¨      Short naps

¨      Excessive crying or colic

¨      Difficulty with feeding, child wants to eat on own schedule, maybe small amounts many times during the day, or varying appetite

¨      Resistance to be held during feedings

¨      Ear infections, allergies, asthma

¨      Difficulty bonding, cries when held, content when put down



Late Infancy

¨      Short naps, trouble sleeping for extended periods of time

¨      Rapid or delayed milestones

¨      Low tolerance for change of routine

¨      Difficult feeding when in high stimulus area

¨      Irritability when in high stimulus area

¨      Toddler

¨      Difficult with playing cooperatively, waiting turns or sharing toys

¨      Pushes, kicks, bites

¨      Destructive, will throw or break toys

¨      Does not respond to behavioral controls

¨      Higher incidence of accidents, falling, knocking things over

¨      Can’t sit still (Normal attention span would be 7-9 minutes) or sustain attention, avoids being read to, fidgets when held for more than a few minutes, acts like driven by a motor



¨      Coordination problems, difficulty manipulating scissors and crayons, clumsy

¨      Can’t pay attention (normal attention span would be 9-15 minutes) for more than a few minutes

¨      Always busy, fidgeting, moving

¨      Lack of impulse control

¨      Seems like they are not listening or do not hear directions

¨      Inability to follow complex directions

¨      Can have stomach problems

¨      Forgetful

¨      Grabs toys, difficulty in playing fair, sharing and waiting turn

¨      Can be aggressive, hitting, kicking, and biting

¨      Interrupts, can’t seem to wait to talk

¨      Bothers other children by touching, taking their toys, intruding on other’s space

¨      Wetting bed or wetting during naptime




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